Thursday, June 24, 2010

Inspirational quotes for my writing...

Pain is inevitable, misery is optional.

~Author unknown. ~

My mom and I were looking at a running website this evening and came across this quote.
I love it!!


Your writing friend...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Writing area...

~Everyone needs a special place to write....~

Alright... so I know that it looks messy but I like to have all my
materials near and ready for use..

Well I'm off for a swimming adventure with my family.

Hope you have a lovely warm day..

Looking forward to the day that I finely get to do some story writing..


Hannah Elise...

Monday, June 21, 2010


Hello there,

Here is a good tip for you if you have ever felt like writing a book: ANYONE CAN WRITE A BOOK!

I know that it may seem like a large leap of faith for many of us but after you write your first short book you began to feel a lot more comfortable writing. The first book that I wrote was in 2009 with a program called NaNoWriMo. (Young writer's program) This is a free program for writers that takes place once a year. Ever I took I took this challenge it has seemed more easy for me to write books.

Lately I have been working on writing a new book that I hope to get published some day. I know that there is a lot of bad fiction out there but I am striving in book to make the most of my words. I want my book to be a encouragement to others not just another book.

Right about now I am not writing so much I am reading books about how to write a good fiction book. :) I have found quite a few good ones at the library.

I don't normally get that many books at a time but this particular evening I requested EIGHT books all about fiction writing! (Don't laugh, if you are a big reader this may not seem like that many books to you. But for me it seems like a lot. ) So I have quite a few books on my writing desk just waiting for me to read them. :)
I have found that the more reading I do about writing the more inspired I feel about actually writing my book.

So if you are interested in writing a good book I would suggest that you do these things:

(1)- Make sure that you have a good reason or motivation for writing this book.

(2)- read some books about writing. But keep this in mind, while the information that you are finding may be very good information it may not all work for your writing style. You don't have to follow every single direction that they give you. Be flexible and do what you are comfortable doing. A good one to start with I think would be How to write your book (Guaranteed!) / Williams, Thomas A. (Just be careful when you read it. I have not quite finished it and am not sure it all if it is appropriate.)

(3)- find some good inspiration. I love to read writer's blogs that can be so inspiring to read. Here is a link to a good writer's blog that I have found.

(4)- Don't give up no matter how much you want to. Just take a break if you feel like you need to. Sometimes you just need a break. :)

Feel free to comment and let me know if you have any questions....

Happy writing...

Hannah Elise...