Friday, October 26, 2012


Hello friends,

Hope you guys are enjoying your day.... It's hard to believe that it is already almost November.
That reminds me.... It is only five days till NANO starts!!! I sure am nervous. :)

I have determined that the name I am using for the young doctor is going to be Jack. It's another form for John. I think it's a nice name. :) 

David Copperfield
I still need to come up with a name for the villain. Please let me know if you have any ideas. 

Well I'm excited.

Have a lovely day,

Hannah Blow 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

It's Coming!

Dear friends,

Next month starts is National Novel Writing Month! I am pretty excited... It's hard to believe that in just a little more then two weeks I will be furiously writing my newest novel! 

I'm excited! Did I already say that? :P 

Anyhow I am not on here to rave. I have a favor to ask of my readers. I need help coming up with a name for one of my characters. My story is set in 19th century England(think Jane Austen, Charles Dickens) and has a young practicing doctor in his twenties.  I have tried some names but can not come up with a good name to suit a doctor. 

Names I have tried:

~ Walter- ummmmm..... I don't know. I think it sounds too childish perhaps.
~ Mark- This was the original name but somehow it does not seem to be a name from the 19th century. 

Anyhow.... If you have any ideas please leave a comment!

Your crazy scribbling friend,

Hannah Elise. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

New story!!

Hey there,

I'm sure you are all wondering where I have been for the past year .... busy... really busy! The other thing is this is a writing blog. I only tend to post here when I have a writing project in the works. Which I didn't up till a few days ago....

I have been busy plotting my book learning about my characters and spending time trying to encourage myself to actually start writing it. :)

But here's the big news... I just wanted to let you know that starting in a few days I will began to post the rough draft of my story as it come along so that you can see how it is going.

I can't say much right now but it is set in Medieval times and the main character is Will Scarlett.

Anyway more on this later when I post my rough draft.

Keep checking back for it....

I also have a Facebook page that you can go to in order to see when I have updated my blog. My Facebook name is Hannah Blow.

Have a blessed day! 

Hannah Elise Blow